Seven things you didn't know about Patagonia - Chile Nativo

Siete cosas que no sabías sobre la Patagonia

Si hay algo que evoca la Patagonia, es la pasión por los viajes. Un imán turístico desde que los aventureros decidieron por primera vez ponerse las botas y explorar, todavía hay mucho por descubrir. Aquí hay siete de nuestros datos favoritos poco conocidos sobre la Patagonia para aquellos que planean su propia experiencia.

# 1 Tierra de dinosaurios

In Torres del Paine they discovered the world’s biggest dinosaur cemetery at Tyndall Glacier, uncovering close to 50 dinosaur fossils from between the Triassic and Cretaceous periods. This find is even more remarkable when you consider that ichthyosaurs, whose name means “fish lizard” are reminiscent of modern-day dolphins, coming from a time when oceans covered these now mountainous lands

# 2 Culturas antiguas

Aunque enorme (con más de 1 millón de kilómetros cuadrados), la Patagonia solo está habitada hoy en día por dos millones de personas. Sin embargo, la gente ha llamado hogar a estas tierras durante miles de años, incluidos los Yámana, Selk'nam y Kawéskar. Algunos incluso dejaron su arte atrás: las huellas de manos estarcidas en la Cueva de las Manos (Cueva de las Manos) tienen más de 5.000 años.

# 3 enormes campos de hielo

El Campo de Hielo Patagónico Sur es la tercera reserva de agua dulce más grande del mundo. El glaciar Grey, que ocupa un lugar destacado en las listas de visitas obligadas de los visitantes, sobresale de este gigantesco cuerpo de hielo. En unos 13.000 km², it’s larger than the expanse of the city of Sydney.

# 4 Mira esa latitud

Aproximadamente a 51 ° S, la latitud de Torres del Paine es más o menos la misma que la de Londres en el hemisferio norte. Dados los cielos amplios y los picos altísimos, ¡nunca adivinarías que estabas caminando en un avión similar!

# 5 Viento y lluvia

Tierra del Fuego, llana, se encuentra entre los lugares más ventosos y lluviosos del mundo. Se necesita cierto tipo de persona para elegir vivir en un lugar así de forma permanente, pero vale la pena conocer a quienes lo hacen: ¡los magallánicos locales siempre están listos para reír!

# 6 amantes de los animales

Desde orcas hasta pingüinos rey, pájaros carpinteros, pumas, cóndores, colibríes, guanacos, caballos salvajes y ñandúes, la Patagonia es el hogar de una asombrosa variedad de animales nativos y vida marina. Incluso si no viaja con el propósito de mejorar su fotografía de vida silvestre, ¡no podrá evitar ver una o dos especies nuevas!

# 7 Alegría fuera de temporada y fuera de pista

No es necesario apresurarse a registrarse para vivir la misma experiencia que todos los demás. ¡En Torres del Paine, las rutas menos frecuentadas y los meses menos concurridos son en realidad algunas de las más hermosas! Lo mismo puede decirse de sus valles y caminatas no tan famosos; Con más de 242.000 hectáreas, es una experiencia completamente diferente sentir el paisaje prácticamente solo para ti.

SY Joyce Kan
SY Joyce Kan
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Amazing trip! We joined the Torres Del Paine 7 day O trek tour - note that this tour is not a complete O Trek but skipping the part from Camp Frances to Las Torres, which worked in our favour as our holiday is limited and we won’t miss much. Our guide, Debbie was knowledgeable and amicable, and very passionate about hiking. Unfortunately I fell sick during the hike and wished to leave a day earlier than planned. Debbie and Chile Nativo quickly rearranged transportation for us and was very helpful. Throughout the whole process Chile Nativo was very responsive. We had a memorable journey and I would highly recommend Chile Nativo.
Jim Garvin
Jim Garvin
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Fantastic experience! We were booked with Chile Nativo via Swoop and had a wonderful experience. Our guides, Tim & Lucile, were awesome. We really enjoyed their company. They were very knowledgeable about the region (the history, animals, landscape, etc). Highly recommend.
Olivia Evans
Olivia Evans
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I booked the independent, self-guided Torres Del Paine trek with Chile Nativo’s help and was so glad I did. When I looked to book on my own, everything was all reserved in Torres Del Paine and Chile Nativo was the only agency that could help me find a spot still. To still be able to go on the trip when I wanted to go, to not have to spend so much time planning all the logistics, to get a local’s recommendations on the best way to do the trek…but STILL get to do the trek on my own was amazing and worth every penny. In particular Paolina at the agency was incredibly helpful. I would recommend this agency to anyone looking to hike in Torres del Paine.
Chiloe Natural (chiloenatural)
Chiloe Natural (chiloenatural)
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Serious, professional, and friendly Tour Agency in Puerto Natales that will cater your needs in Patagonia and Torres del Paine.
Kevin Jobst
Kevin Jobst
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Hiking in Torres with Pepa is like walking with your smartest and wisest friend. She has an incredible depth of knowledge in everything from mycology to government, from geology to history. She is fiercely passionate about conservation and our planet and has dedicated her life to making our world a better place. Our two porters Filipe and Bastian were both incredibly strong and highly professional. Always in the know on where to set up the tent, they picked the best spot in every site we were at. Also, they were an absolute blast to hang out with after the long days hiking. I cannot recommend this particular team highly enough and if you are passionate about the environment, making the world a better place, learning everything there is to know about glaciers, mushrooms, Patagonia, the history of Chile, magma intrusions and edible berries request them by name. Thank you to all three of you for making our experience so special and I hope our paths cross again.
Brad Smith
Brad Smith
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Our Torres Del Paine Plus trip was fantastic! A great crew of newly-made friends, guided by Izabella “La Professora”, on a journey beyond expectations. What a great time, a balance of hiking and touring. DO NOT miss the pumas!!! I will definitely go with the Chile Nativo team again, and thanks to Nestor & Juan too!
Senga Simpson
Senga Simpson
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Excellent service. Thank you Vicky
Lukas Winegarner
Lukas Winegarner
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Camilo is ledged! Chile Nativo is extremely experienced and knowledgeable - I would highly recommend booking directly through them. We were a group of 8 doing the O 7 day hike and everything was great! Thanks to Camilo & Tomas and all of our porters!


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