Torres del Paine 'O' Circuit with Oggioni Pass - Chile Nativo Travel BOOK NOW


Camina por la naturaleza a lo largo de senderos no marcados cruzando el Paso Oggioni desde las Torres del Paine hacia el Valle Dickson.


El Gran Circuito Paine, también conocido como el Circuito O, es para caminantes atrevidos que buscan una experiencia verdaderamente fascinante en las Torres del Paine. En este 7-días de caminata de resistencia y aventura en camping, acamparás en áreas remotas y caminarás más de 100 kms. a lo largo de uno de los senderos clásicos del mundo, continuamente acompañado por montañas de granito, innumerables glaciares, clima indómito, lagos de otro mundo y vistas espectaculares del Campo de Hielo Sur.

Aspectos destacados del viaje

• Trek inmersivo de una semana
• Camina por el lado indómito de Torres del Paine
• Asciende el Paso John Gardner
• Camina por el Valle Francés
• Viaje a la base de las Torres
• Innumerables paisajes panorámicos
• Camina entre montañas, lagunas, glaciares y ríos
• Opcional: Kayak o excursión sobre hielo en el Glaciar Grey!
• Observa la flora y fauna silvestres

Recuerda: Este programa requiere cierta capacidad física para completar con éxito la caminata. Ten en cuenta que cada miembro de un grupo guiado caminará a un ritmo diferente, pero los miembros del grupo deben seguir el ritmo indicado por el guía según la distancia y las horas de luz disponibles. Cada día de caminata tendrá una cantidad mínima de kilómetros o millas que deben recorrerse. Los tiempos de caminata son estimados y pueden ser más o menos dependiendo de las condiciones del sendero y del clima, así como del ritmo general del grupo. Alentamos a nuestros huéspedes a recordar que viajar en grupo guiado permite una experiencia única: establecer vínculos con otros viajeros e interactuar con el guía y el destino que están visitando.



Duración del viaje


Nivel de viaje


Desde USD

$3.495 per person

Comienza / Termina






Comparte este viaje


Día 1

Transfer to Torres del Paine – Trek to Las Torres Lookout Point & Japense Camp

  • 2 Hour Chile Nativo Transfer
  • 6-8 Hour Hike, 11 km / 6.8 mi
  • Night at Jápones Campsite (BL-D)

We’ll pick you up in Puerto Natales at 7:30AM and travel to Torres del Paine National Park along unpaved roads and past lagoons and pampas; accompanied at times by the guanacos (relatives of llamas), grey foxes, flamingos and black-necked swans that call them home.

Our first challenge is ascending Almirante Nieto – a mountain from which we’ll have a fantastic view of Lake Nordenskjold below and the Asencio Valley. Passing the Chileno Refugio, we’ll continue for an hour through a dense lenga forest pausing to observe how the valley’s beauty unfolds with rich beech forests, glaciers and waterfalls. Upon leaving the forest, we’ll continue uphill passing by Las Torres Camp where we’ll leave our packs before continuing through lush forests and our scramble up a gigantic terminal moraine (a ridge formed at a glacier’s end point) to the Base of the Torres lookout point.

Here, we’ll be rewarded by the impressive sight of the three immense Towers themselves. At this lookout point 900 meters above sea level, the three granite spires appear to burst dramatically out of the rocky landscape, while at their base a green-blue lagoon provides a counterpoint of stillness.

After enjoying lunch and taking pictures, we´ll begin our descent down the moraine back to Las Torres Campsite to collect our backpacks and continue along into the valley following the Ascencio River. After about 1 hour we reach our destination for the day – Jápones Camp (Japanese). This old climbers refugio was the he original base camping area where climbing pioneers stopped to shelter from the weather and prepare for their climb to the top of Las Torres. Here we will set up camp and settle in after enjoying a hearty dinner and early night’s rest in order to prepare for tomorrow’s attempt of crossing the Oggioni Pass.

*Chile Nativo Transfers allow us to continue our commitment to sustainability by minimizing our carbon footprint whenever possible. For this reason, Chile Nativo Transfers are semi privarte, sharing among our clients who are coming in or out of the park.

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Día 2

Trek the Oggioni Pass to Dickson Valley

  • 6-8 Hour Hike, 12 km / 7.4 mi
  • Noche en Camping Dickson (D-BL-C)

Following an early breakfast at camp, we’ll pack up and start today’s first attempt to cross the Oggioni Pass down to the Dickson Valley. Today we will be trekking through untouched, rugged wilderness along unmarked paths. Our guide will take us past a waterfall and over a stone bridge before we hike over two glacial moraines where we begin our ascent to the Oggioni Mountain on the situated behind the Silencio Valley.

Once successfully over the pass, we’ll hike through a thick forest leading us to a beautiful view of the Dickson Valley and campsite in the distance. Hiking down, we arrive to our campsite where we rest and celebrate this challenging hike together. A plentiful dinner will be served in order for us to recuperate our spirits and energy.

Please Note: today’s hike is very difficult and you must be in very good physical condition to cross the Oggioni Pass. We recommend people should be able to hike long distances, both uphill and downhill and individuals should also have keen mental strength and a sense of determination to resist tough elements like strong winds and frozen rain or snowfall (even in the summer). Most of the crossing is along moraine and snow (depending on how much snow fall the area received the previous winter). The weather in Patagonia is very unpredictable, and dealing with different levels of discomfort is one of the biggest challenges of Patagonian trekking. This is a semi-technical route where we will reach 1,585m/5,200ft (1,020m/3,350ft of elevation gain).

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Día 3

Rest or Explore Day in Dickson

  • Noche en Camping Dickson (D-BL-C)

Today can be used a rest day or in case of bad weather on day 2, today will be the second attempt to cross the Oggioni Pass. Today can also be a day to explore the beautiful area around Refugio Dickson and the Lake.

Día 4

Dickson to Los Perros – Alongside Mountains, Rivers & Glaciers

  • 5 Hour Hike, 9 km / 5.6 mi
  • Noche en Campamento Perros (D-BL-C)

Today is a day to please the senses, filled with beautiful sights and textures.

Often touted as one of the most beautiful sections of this wilder side of Torres del Paine, we’ll hike through ancient beech forests, wander undulating trails and follow Los Perros River.

Mountains, waterfalls and lush vegetation will never be far away, as our trail crosses the river via suspension bridge and arrives at the base of our second terminal moraine; this time belonging to Glacier Los Perros, a hanging glacier that feeds the crystalline lagoon at its base.

A final half hour hike takes us to today’s destination, Los Perros Campsite.

Tonight’s campsite is the only one on the Circuit without hot showers and standard bathroom facilities such as flushing toilets.

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Día 5

Los Perros to Grey via the Famous John Garner Pass

  • 10-11 Hour Hike, 22 km / 13.6 mi
  • Noche en Camping Grey (D-BL-C)

The most strenuous day of the Paine Circuit has arrived, bringing demanding trails and variable weather conditions.

Of course, your efforts will be more than rewarded with some of Torres del Paine’s most heart-stirring landscapes, experienced by very few visitors to Torres del Paine.

We’ll begin along a clear trail through forests, then make our way through swamp-like section before beginning our ascent to the John Garner Pass. At this Pass, 1200 meters above sea level, Patagonia’s famous winds are strong and the views across Grey Glacier and of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field’s still unexplored peaks are astonishing.

The trail now takes you alongside the glacier, ascending and descending through forests of fallen trees and beneath the imposing, almost muscular granite walls of Cordon Olguín. As we come closer to Grey Glacier we may see an ice calving (where chunks of ice break off a glacier’s edge). Tonight we’ll recharge at Grey Campsite.

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Día 6

Grey to Paine Grande – *Optional Morning Activities at Grey Lake (must be booked in advance)

  • 3.5 Hour Hike, 11 km / 6.8 mi
  • Noche en Camping Paine Grande (D-BL-C)

Our morning begins slowly, resting and stretching around camp. Depending on your energy levels, choose from several options this morning.

Walk to the Grey Glacier’s lookout point and watch for ice calvings on its massive walls; complete an ice hike with the aid of crampons; or kayak on Grey Lake, paddling around icebergs and in front of the glacier.

Later, we’ll have lunch at the Refugio and hike to Pehoe Lake. (Ice hike and kayaking expedition at an additional fee, advance booking required, please contact our Travel Specialists.)

*Optional Excursions Must Be Booked In Advanced – Ask Our Trip Specialists About Either Activity!

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Día 7

Caminata al Valle del Francés y Transfer a Puerto Natales

  • 7-8 Hour Hike, 17 km / 10.5 mi
  • 35 Minutes by Catamaran
  • 2 Hour Chile Nativo Transfer (B-BL)

Today’s destination, the French Valley, is a spectacular natural basin surrounded by peaks and hanging glaciers. This is a return hike, so we will be able to leave our packs behind and trek lightly.

We start by walking around Paine Grande, the highest peak in Torres del Paine, through native Patagonian firebush and evergreen beech forests.

At the suspension bridge over the French River, the arresting hanging glacier atop the valley will come into sight. From here, we’ll walk for another hour, ascending 300m (984 ft.) through a dreamlike Japanese garden landscape before arriving at the lookout point (the “Plateau”).

Your reward is a heart-stirring bird’s eye view of granite peaks and hanging glaciers. To one side, the French Glacier and Paine Grande (3,050 m / 10,006 ft.); while to the other, La Espada, La Hoja, La Máscara and the main and north “horns” of Los Cuernos arch upwards. In the upper section of the Valley, Cerro Catedral and Cerro Fortaleza loom like turrets above the landscape.

We’ll take our time to have lunch at the viewpoint, surrounded by these imposing peaks and open skies. Our return hike is along the same track, and the catamaran will take us back across Pehoe Lake to meet our transfer who will take us safely back to Puerto Natales.

*Chile Nativo Transfers allow us to continue our commitment to sustainability by minimizing our carbon footprint whenever possible. For this reason, Chile Nativo Transfers are semi privarte, sharing among our clients who are coming in or out of the park.

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  • All Transportation Indicated in the Schedule
  • Todas las comidas indicadas en el itinerario (D: desayuno, BL: picnic lunch, C: cena)
  • Entrada al PN Torres del Paine
  • 6 Noches de alojamiento en Campamentos de Montaña
  • Carpas de 4 estaciones (Carpa en base doble)
  • Porteadores para cargar equipamiento de Camping y Comida
  • Catamaran para cruzar el Lago Pehoe
  • Guide (English-Spanish languages), Guide to Passenger Ratio is 1:6


  • Noches adicionales
  • Gastos Médicos
  • Seguro de viaje
  • Gastos personales
  • Saco de Dormir y Colchoneta
  • Porteadores para cargar pertenencias personales (los porteadores privados están disponibles por una tarifa diaria y deben reservarse con anticipación)
  • Bebidas alcohólicas y no alcohólicas a excepción de las incluidas en el menú.
  • Propinas para Guía y Porteadores

Duración del viaje


Nivel de viaje


Desde USD

$3.495 per person

Comienza / Termina







Camping Jápones

Jápones (Japanese) is a remote climbers campsite situated north of the Base of Towers trail continuing into the Ascensio Valley. This campsite serves as a shelter and base for rock climbers who come to climb the towers. This backcountry campsite is only available to those who have a special permit from CONAF and who are traveling with a guide. There are no restroom facilities and only an iconic makeshift refugio constructed from old pioneer climbers which serves as a refugio for cooking meals and sheltering from inclement weather.

Camping Dickson

Camping Dickson cuenta con una ubicación excepcional en el borde del lago Dickson con maravillosas vistas de las montañas. Es un lugar de visita obligada para el Circuito Macizo del Paine. El camping cuenta con baño compartido y ducha de agua caliente. (Agua caliente disponible de 6pm a 9pm).

Nuestros huéspedes duermen en tiendas de campaña de 4 estaciones, MSR y Hilleberg (capacidad para 3 personas) o similar, en base a ocupación doble.

Campamento Los Perros

El camping más básico del Circuito Macizo del Paine. Se encuentra en el hermoso bosque de Lengas. Las instalaciones son limitadas, el camping solo cuenta con una ducha de agua fría.

Nuestros huéspedes duermen en tiendas de campaña de 4 estaciones, MSR y Hilleberg (capacidad para 3 personas) o similar, en base a ocupación doble.

Camping Grey

A las afueras del Refugio hay un campamento designado que está rodeado de árboles de Lenga. El Camping Grey también forma parte del Circuito W y del Circuito Macizo del Paine. Hay baños compartidos con ducha de agua caliente y dispensadores de champú/acondicionador disponibles. Los huéspedes duermen en tiendas MSR o Hilleberg de 4 estaciones con colchoneta y saco de dormir. No se proporcionan toallas y se recomienda a los huéspedes que traigan su propio saco de dormir.

Camping Paine Grande

Ubicado a orillas del lago Pehoé, con hermosas vistas a los Cuernos del Paine y al Cerro Paine Grande, el Camping Paine Grande es punto de inicio o finalización de los senderos Glaciar Grey y Valle Francés, así como parte del Circuito W y del Circuito Macizo del Paine. Los huéspedes duermen en carpas de 4 estaciones. Hay baños compartidos con duchas de agua caliente disponibles. No se proporcionan toallas. Se anima a los huéspedes a traer su propio saco de dormir.

Fechas & Precios

Los precios del programa se determinan en función del número final de pasajeros confirmados en un grupo. El precio por persona baja a medida que más pasajeros se unen al grupo. Chile Nativo opera con un máximo de 8 pasajeros por salida lo que permite un alto nivel de servicio individualizado y una experiencia personalizada inolvidable.

PRICES FOR SEASON 24/25: (valid until April 2025)

2 Personas en Grupo USD$ 4.695 per person
3 Personas en Grupo USD$ 3.995 per person
4-8 Personas en Grupo USD$ 3.495 per person


  • PBC + Oggioni

    7 DÍAS

  • Diciembre 22, 2024 / Diciembre 29, 2024
  • Reserva


Q: Where do I keep my luggage that I won’t need during my trek while I am hiking in the park?
R: La mayoría de los hoteles y hostales guardarán el equipaje para los huéspedes que se alojen con ellos antes y después de sus viajes por el parque. De lo contrario, guardaremos felizmente su equipaje de manera segura en nuestra oficina hasta que regrese de su caminata y se lo entregaremos a su hotel donde se hospedará en Puerto Natales al regresar del parque. Le pedimos que venga a nuestra oficina en el horario de 09:00 a 13:00 o de 15:00 a 19:00 para dejar el equipaje en caso no pueda hacerlo al asistir a la sesión informativa el día anterior a su viaje.

P: ¿Necesito llevar mi propio equipo de camping durante esta caminata?
R: Los huéspedes que participen en el Gran Circuito Paine deben traer y llevar su propio saco de dormir y colchoneta. Si desea alquilarnos estos artículos, puede hacerlo en nuestra oficina. El costo es de USD $ 12 por noche para ambos artículos (USD $ 72 en total). Se proporcionan carpas para los huéspedes y se instalarán cada noche a su llegada a los campamentos. Las tiendas de campaña son de ocupación doble y se compartirán entre huéspedes del mismo grupo y del mismo sexo. Si no desea compartir una carpa con otro miembro del grupo, se le pedirá que pague una tarifa de suplemento single. Los porteadores llevarán las carpas de campamento en campamento y los huéspedes no están obligados a llevar su propia carpa durante la caminata.

P: ¿Están incluidos en este programa los porteadores que llevarán nuestras pertenencias?
R: Traemos porteadores para llevar el equipo compartido del grupo (como carpas, comida y utensilios de cocina). Sin embargo, cada huésped debe llevar sus pertenencias personales, incluido su saco de dormir y colchón de campamento. Si quieres evitar llevar demasiado peso puedes pagar por un porteador privado. Estos porteadores cargan un máximo de 15 kilos en una bolsa seca proporcionada por Chile Nativo, un servicio que suele ser bueno para compartir entre 2 - 3 personas y debe reservarse por 5 días. Una bolsa seca se entregará en el campamento o refugio a su llegada.

P: ¿Debería darle propina a mi guía? Si es así, ¿cuánto es apropiado?
R: Tipping can be a delicate subject and many different nationalities have different tipping cultures. Tips or popinas in Chile, are viewed as a reward for good service. When tipping, a good guide and guide assistance who does the job well, has good English and provides a great service, can expect 10 – 15 USD per person per day. It is usual to leave your driver or chauffeur a tip too. Normally around 5 USD per person.  Please find below a tipping guide:

  • Guides USD$ 10 to USD$ 15 per person, per day; to be given to your guides directly.

  • Staff (waiters, chefs,Housekeeping USD$5 per person, per night

  • Drivers:  USD$10 per person, per day; given directly to your drivers.

  • Porters: USD$10 per person, per day; given directly to your porter

These amounts are merely a source to help you or give you a general idea of what is normal or typical. Of course, tipping is always at the discretion of the group members as to what they deem appropriate for the service they received.

P: ¿A qué hora llegaremos de regreso a Puerto Natales el último día?
R: El último día de esta caminata, su grupo llegará a Puerto Natales entre las 21:00 hrs y las 22:00 hrs y, por lo tanto, deberá pasar la noche en Puerto Natales.



SERVICIOS OPCIONALES (se debe reservar con anticipación)
- Traslado privado desde / hacia el aeropuerto de Punta Arenas / Puerto Natales: *el precio depende del total de pasajeros

- Bus Publico Punta Arenas desde/hacia Puerto Natales USD$ 25 per guest, per way

- Servicio Porteador privado por 5 días: TBC *If you want to avoid carrying too much weight you can pay for a private porter. Our porters carry a maximum of 15 kilos in a dry bag which we provide to you. This service is usually good to share between 2 – 3 people and must be booked for 5 days (Day 2 to 6).

UPGRADES: (se debe reservar con anticipación)
Algunos días, hay alternativas al campamento disponibles *sujeto a disponibilidad
– Día 1: Upgrade a Refugio Torre Central: cómodo albergue de montaña, con 6 camas por habitación (literas)

– Days 3, 5, & 6: Upgrade to Refugio Dickson, Grey, Paine Grande: Comfortable mountain lodge, with up to 6 beds per room (bunk beds)

– Día 6: 5 Horas Caminata en hielo en Glaciar Grey USD$ 240 per person -O- 2.5 Horas Excursión de Kayak en Glaciar Grey USD$ 180 per person



  • DD dash MM dash YYYY
SY Joyce Kan
SY Joyce Kan
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Amazing trip! We joined the Torres Del Paine 7 day O trek tour - note that this tour is not a complete O Trek but skipping the part from Camp Frances to Las Torres, which worked in our favour as our holiday is limited and we won’t miss much. Our guide, Debbie was knowledgeable and amicable, and very passionate about hiking. Unfortunately I fell sick during the hike and wished to leave a day earlier than planned. Debbie and Chile Nativo quickly rearranged transportation for us and was very helpful. Throughout the whole process Chile Nativo was very responsive. We had a memorable journey and I would highly recommend Chile Nativo.
Jim Garvin
Jim Garvin
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Fantastic experience! We were booked with Chile Nativo via Swoop and had a wonderful experience. Our guides, Tim & Lucile, were awesome. We really enjoyed their company. They were very knowledgeable about the region (the history, animals, landscape, etc). Highly recommend.
Olivia Evans
Olivia Evans
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I booked the independent, self-guided Torres Del Paine trek with Chile Nativo’s help and was so glad I did. When I looked to book on my own, everything was all reserved in Torres Del Paine and Chile Nativo was the only agency that could help me find a spot still. To still be able to go on the trip when I wanted to go, to not have to spend so much time planning all the logistics, to get a local’s recommendations on the best way to do the trek…but STILL get to do the trek on my own was amazing and worth every penny. In particular Paolina at the agency was incredibly helpful. I would recommend this agency to anyone looking to hike in Torres del Paine.
Chiloe Natural (chiloenatural)
Chiloe Natural (chiloenatural)
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Serious, professional, and friendly Tour Agency in Puerto Natales that will cater your needs in Patagonia and Torres del Paine.
Kevin Jobst
Kevin Jobst
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Hiking in Torres with Pepa is like walking with your smartest and wisest friend. She has an incredible depth of knowledge in everything from mycology to government, from geology to history. She is fiercely passionate about conservation and our planet and has dedicated her life to making our world a better place. Our two porters Filipe and Bastian were both incredibly strong and highly professional. Always in the know on where to set up the tent, they picked the best spot in every site we were at. Also, they were an absolute blast to hang out with after the long days hiking. I cannot recommend this particular team highly enough and if you are passionate about the environment, making the world a better place, learning everything there is to know about glaciers, mushrooms, Patagonia, the history of Chile, magma intrusions and edible berries request them by name. Thank you to all three of you for making our experience so special and I hope our paths cross again.
Brad Smith
Brad Smith
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Our Torres Del Paine Plus trip was fantastic! A great crew of newly-made friends, guided by Izabella “La Professora”, on a journey beyond expectations. What a great time, a balance of hiking and touring. DO NOT miss the pumas!!! I will definitely go with the Chile Nativo team again, and thanks to Nestor & Juan too!
Senga Simpson
Senga Simpson
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Excellent service. Thank you Vicky
Lukas Winegarner
Lukas Winegarner
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Camilo is ledged! Chile Nativo is extremely experienced and knowledgeable - I would highly recommend booking directly through them. We were a group of 8 doing the O 7 day hike and everything was great! Thanks to Camilo & Tomas and all of our porters!


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